We’re in week two and it’s time for my polka dot challenge! I managed six days of me-made dots this week. It would have been seven if I’d conquered my half done Burda dress. Sigh…. Let’s check out the dots!! Self-drafted Elsie knock off dress worn for a stroll around the canal on Bank Hol …
For the record I am not, and never will be, a Scrappy-Do fan. He may have been the thing that killed the cartoon in the hearts of children all around the world. In fact I’m not sure I know anyone who actually liked that annoying pup. But the alliteration was calling to me. Pinterest!! I …
MMM12: Day 21. Elsie knock-off
Woo I’m super pleased with myself. And not afraid to say it! Ages ago I saw a picture of Elsie and went “ooooooh”. I love Elsie’s blog A Beautiful Mess. Her fashion taste is fab and she always tries to include lots of varying fun diy ideas. She’s also a lovely photographer. Immediately I pinned …