Sewing with sweatshirt fabrics can be a bit challenging, as they are typically made of a combination of cotton and synthetic fibers, and can have a stretchy texture. Here are some tips to help you sew with sweatshirt fabrics:
- Use a ballpoint needle: Sweatshirt fabrics are knit fabrics, and can be easily damaged by a regular needle. Make sure to use a ballpoint needle, which is specifically designed for knit fabrics.
- Use a stretch stitch: A stretch stitch is a type of sewing machine stitch that allows the fabric to stretch without breaking the thread. Use a stretch stitch, such as a zigzag or a triple straight stitch, to sew sweatshirt fabrics.
- Use a walking foot: A walking foot is a type of presser foot that helps to feed the fabric through the machine evenly, preventing stretching and bunching.
- Use a knit or stretch fabric stabiliser: A knit or stretch fabric stabiliser is a type of fabric that is placed behind the sweatshirt fabric to help keep it stable while sewing.
- Use a serger: If you have a serger, it can be a great tool for sewing sweatshirt fabrics. A serger can quickly finish the edges of the fabric and create a stretchy, durable seam.
- Cuffs and bands: Sweatshirt fabrics can be challenging to hem, so consider using cuff or hem band pieces to finish the edges instead.
- Pre-wash your fabric: Sweatshirt fabrics can shrink or change shape after they are washed, so make sure to prewash your fabric before cutting and sewing.
- Be mindful of the stretch direction: Sweatshirt fabrics have a stretch direction, which is the direction in which the fabric stretches the most. Be sure to lay out your pattern pieces so that the stretch direction is going across the body