Tops, blouses and shirts

What noise do swans make?

Happy Sunday everyone!

almond rock sew over it pussy bow blouse swans

Here’s a post about two things.

First up – This Sew Over It Pussy Bow Blouse!

I used a fab swan print polyester from Regency Rags.

almond rock sew over it pussy bow blouse swansYou can probably see I’ve made a few adjustments.

I got rid of the centre front seam. That made it a little hard to attach the necktie so I added a little keyhole. Plus I tried adding some bust darts because my muslin turned out a little too floaty but they’re a touch high because I didn’t test them out before cracking into the swans.

almond rock sew over it pussy bow blouse swans

But seriously I love it! It’s cute (albeit sheer) and it makes me feel a bit like Rose Byrne in Damages (which I’ve been binge watching). Plus it sort of reminds me of my Godson who has been learning animal noises and is obsessed with ducks. You say “All the ducks go…” and he screams “QUACK”. Mega cutes.

almond rock sew over it pussy bow blouse swans

I’ve just finished another version in disco gold chiffon for going out in. I’ll see if I can get a photo without the metallics sunbeaming everywhere.

Second up! I’ve got something fun to share.

I’ve started an evening course in textile printing at Leeds Art College. I’m like totally an art student heehee!!

almond rock discharge printing leeds art college

It’s a 10 week course covering:

  • Heat transfer printing (disperse printing)
  • Discharge printing (with basic dyeing)
  • Screen printing with paper stencils
  • Screen printing with photo emulsion stencils
  • Devore
  • Hand painted prints

Ahem… So weeks one and two were about heat set discharge printing where we used dyes and a 200 degree heat press to print on synthetic fabrics. We also got to play with resists, putting objects in the way between the dyes and fabric.

It works really wellΒ with geometric shapes. And I’ve got enough printed fabric to make two tops.

almond rock discharge printing leeds art college almond rock discharge printing leeds art college almond rock discharge printing safety pins leeds art college

Next week we’re using paper stencils and screenprinting onto A2 pieces of cotton.

So I’ll update you again with my progress soon!

(56) Comments

  1. very cute and sweet!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much!

  2. Very pretty, new top! Love the print. Course sounds fab, will look forward to seeing your updates πŸ™‚

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! Hopefully I’m making good enough prints to share!

  3. Awesome course, I love that kind of stuff. You will be able to make a totally unique wardrobe πŸ™‚ Keep us updated! The top looks really pretty – great colour on you. My son calls pretty much any animal a dog (well.. ‘gog’) at the moment, it’s really cute.

    1. almondrock says:

      That’s what I’m hoping! Whether it’ll be unique and “good” is another matter heehee. Your son is a cutie. Apparently I used to call every chicken so clearly he’s a very clever little man.

      1. I did an emulsion screen printing class recently and got some equipment to do it at home. Unfortunately I have not had much luck so far as my exposure times have been off / my water-blaster was too high pressure / whatever could go wrong does! I know it is a trial and error process but it’s so frustrating when things keep going wrong. Let me know if you decide to try any of the techniques at home and if you have any luck πŸ™‚

        1. almondrock says:

          Ooh right! It’s interesting to hear that it’s a bit trickier at home. More things to worry about it sounds like. I hope you hit the right combination soon so you can carry on enjoying the process!

  4. Katie says:

    Sweet blouse, and I’m muy jealous of the printing classes. Those prints look awesome!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! You should look into something similar down south. It’s pretty thrilling, not too messy and good banter!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous – from pattern to print, I would pick this up the shop anyday! Perfect for work πŸ™‚

    1. almondrock says:

      Ooh that’s a nice compliment! Thank you πŸ˜€

  6. Very cute top and the course sounds fun! I have dyed my own yarn to knot socks, and it is really fulfilling to know that the colours and patterns are ‘my’ colours and patterns, I can only imagine how great it would be using fabric I had printed!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! I bet wool is great to dye because of the vivid colours. I can’t wait to sew up my fabrics. Though I’ll be terrified the whole time that I might ruin them!!

  7. Love the fabric printing info. Thanks. I must look for a similar class here. For next fall, though, after the community garden is over! And a lovely blouse, too.

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! I definitely recommend textile printing. It’s thrilling, not too messy and good social fun.

  8. Swans!! I love swans…mate for life, and start as ugly ducklings!!
    So love your top….I heard a swan once, it flew over us, whilst we were picking blackberries and the sound of its wings were like a jumbo jet performing low flying maneuvers!

    1. almondrock says:

      Aww sweet. I bet their wingspan is fearsome when they fly so close! I love how the cygnets are so ugly they loop back round to being mega cute!

  9. Super exciting news about the course! Hope you have a great time. Looking forward to hearing more about it xx

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks! I’m really excited but a little scared my artistic skills are rather lacking. Fingers crossed though!

  10. Wow! Your fabric looks amazing! How awesome to be taking classes! I love the fabric you used for your top & it really suits you! I think swans say “honk!” but that might just be whooping swans?

    1. almondrock says:

      Honk makes sense! They’re a bit goose like but less anti social haha. I’m loving the class and would recommend it to anyone with a good eye for colour. Very little artistic skill needed so far

  11. I just love that swan print on the pussy bow blouse, so pretty! And what fun, I am loving your prints!

    1. almondrock says:

      It’s nice to see pretty printed polyester. I’m always on the hunt for it! Plus now I can make my own!!

  12. Nice pussy bow blouse! We’re stuck with dog and Santa noises here (Woof and Ho ho ho not always the right way round!).
    I can’t wait to see tops made with your own printed fabrics.

    1. almondrock says:

      Santa! He’s got some staying power! I’d really recommend a course like this. Great for anyone interested in textiles like us sewists.

  13. Your top looks gorgeous, and your course sounds amazing! I look forward to hearing more about it πŸ™‚

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! Just hope I have a few nice pieces to share!

  14. What a sweet blouse!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much!

  15. Your blouse is great, the colour is gorgeous, and I am very jealous of your printing class. It sounds brilliant, and I shall look forward to reading more about it. Good luck with it!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! I’ve got another post lined up for this week about procien dyes!

  16. I heard a swan once as it was attacking me and my canoe… I have to confess that the only sound I can remember is the stream of profanity I was screaming as I paddled as fast as I could. My poor dad (also in the canoe) was shocked and appalled! But this top is much happier than that tale! πŸ˜€ Also. TEXTILE PRINTING?! Can’t wait to hear more about your adventures!!!

    1. almondrock says:

      Wow! I knew geese were mean but sounds like you encountered an evil swan there. Heehee bet your dad didn’t realise til then you knew those words πŸ™‚

  17. That’s so pretty – if only I could find the right skirt for me to go with it, I’d totally be making it! Ok, jumping online to find a skirt pattern πŸ™‚
    Loving the textiles that you are printing, that safety pin one is awesome! I look forward to hearing more about it.

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! Yeah the skirt issue is one I share. I’m not much of a pencil skirt girl as it highlights how pear shaped I am but I’m going to try one and see if they go nice together.

  18. Love the blouse, Amy. So cute. The textile printing looks like so much fun. You’ve got some great pieces there, the safety pins are amazing!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! Every class is an adventure. I’ll be so sad when it’s over

  19. That fabric is so pretty! Perfect choice for that top. Maaaan I wish I was a student again, I miss the facilities πŸ™ I seem to remember the ones in Leeds being pretty good too from when I visited once… Hope you have tons of fun and can’t wait to see more results πŸ˜€

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! It is pretty and a bargain — my favourite kind of fabric!! I’m going to be so sad when my class is over.

  20. Beautiful top, I love those swans. Your course sounds amazing, enjoy it.

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! πŸ™‚

  21. Your top is so lovely. It’s a great print and the colour suits you to a tee.

    Go you Arts student!!!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! I never thought I’d look ok in blush colour, go figure.
      I feel like I need to start smoking and wear lots of black and talk about censorship like a clichΓ© art student hahaha

  22. So so cute !!! I love it !

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much!

  23. Said it before; I’ll say it again: that colour, the print and the pattern are a total match made in heaven and the colour is so you! Wear with pride, dearheart! It’s gorgeous!

    1. almondrock says:

      Aww you’re too kind! I’m so pleased with the finished product

  24. Such a pretty blouse. Regency Rags is a treasure trove. I got some great bargains fro them just before Christmas. The printing course looks very interesting. I blogged my skirt sewing plans yesterday. Looking forward to getting started on that. Have a great weekend.

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! Oooh look forward to seeing your RR and skirt makes!

  25. Love the blouse, really cute. I have that fabric on my watch list too :). Love Regency Rags!

    The fabric printing looks great too, am a little bit jealous!

    1. almondrock says:

      Yay a fellow fan of RR. Thanks for introducing me to your blog! Looking forward to reading more!

  26. I’ve not been a fan of the pussy bow… until now! So, so pretty! And I hasten to add I am sooo incredibly jealous of your course. Sounds amazing!!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thank you! I can certainly see you in a pussy bow, in some fabulous vintage print or chiffon with a bustier underneath

  27. Love the top! Very jealous of your course!! The fabrics you’ve created so far look amazing!

    1. almondrock says:

      Thanks so much! Can’t wait to sew them up

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