Today I’m sharing a long overdue finished make! I made this jacket early in the year and then totally forgot to put it online. It’s the perfect rainy day jacket because it’s waterproof and so bright, it’s like instant sunshine! Simplicity 8843 is an easy to wear, drop shoulder jacket with drawstring waist, 2 styles …
Simplicity 9294
Hello everyone! For newcomers around here, I have a long tradition of making myself something nice for my birthday. It isn’t always something super fancy by the way… but this one is quite the stunner. My husband and I went out for dinner on my birthday to a nice French restaurant in Ilkley (with a …
Simplicity 9462
Hi Everyone. When the world is feeling scary I find comfort in using my hands and focusing on a sewing task. Watching the news this week has definitely been made easier by being able to head upstairs and create. I recently finished this blouse and wanted to share it. I do enjoy a quick hack. …
Hibiscus Simplity 8594
Hello everyone! There was a little gap in my blogging there wasn’t there. I started feeling pretty meh about some of my previous makes and decided not to photograph them. I haven’t thrown them out or anything but I’m not sure they’re worth blogging as they’re not the most interesting or photogenic. I know these …
Simplicity 1419
Hello everyone! Hope you’re enjoying this amazing weather!! I’ve been sewing up a storm for my honeymoon and finalising wedding details. It’s all pretty manic at work because I’m trying to do two issues at once so then my team only have to cover the third issue on their own. Oh what fun! But when …