I know it’s very very rainy in England right now but cast your mind back… This dress, Simplicity 9327 caught my eye from the new collection on a very hot day. And it instantly made me think of cool breezy nights on a Mediterranean holiday break. Small problem for me, the UK release was slightly …
Seeing stars Butterick 6446
Hello lovely people. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin… Easter weekend I was due to go to a fun dinner with my extended family to celebrate my Auntie’s big birthday. Alas it was cancelled for obvious reasons. I’d already made the dress so I’m getting around to sharing it now. Butterick 6446 has been …
Spotty McCall’s 7085
Hello my loveliest ones!! I am hating humanity after a hellish time on public transport and the motorway but you’re all exempt. You wouldn’t leave giant cases in the aisles and blare music without speakers would you?? I hope not. And you wouldn’t try and drive me off the road in your a supermarket delivery …
The maxium cake dress
Please don’t think of me as terrible birthday brat but I wanted to share details of day 3 from my long weekend of celebrations. I still have one more day to go before I head back to reality and another press day on Tuesday. My family weren’t free to catch up until the Saturday after …
Out on the tiles dress Vogue mashup
Hello happy people! I’m in a great mood because this post is going out on my birthday!! I never work on my birthday and always try to do something fun. As it’s a Thursday this year I also took the Friday off so it’s double the fun! Today I had a trip to the spa …
… and the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says, “With fronds like these, who needs anemones?”
Aaaah another weekend over! It’s been a good one in my books. I saw Wolf of Wall Street, had a long lie-in, did some sewing machine window-shopping, had a delicious paneer curry and went car booting with my parents! The other nice thing is that I can share this ace dress I made for the …