Hello everyone! For newcomers around here, I have a long tradition of making myself something nice for my birthday. It isn’t always something super fancy by the way… but this one is quite the stunner. My husband and I went out for dinner on my birthday to a nice French restaurant in Ilkley (with a …
Pretty little pattern hack Butterick 6318 and Butterick 6453
Sometimes an idea for a dress sticks with you. I have a wonderful and annoying job where I constantly search for fabric for the magazine. Mostly the thrill of featuring the prettiest fabric in the magazine is enough but a lot of the time I become obsessed with getting some for myself. Like the cover …
Big Tomato Butterick 6453
So I know it’s a little dreary outside but this dress feels like a bolt of sunshine when I put it on. Don’t you love it when you get that feeling? When I saw Butterick 6453 by Gertie I knew I’d make view A. (Now Simplicity 9291) I’m sure you guessed that too. It’s a classic …