Hello lovely Readers! I hope you’ve had a great week. I’ve had two fantastic weekends in a row that I wanted to share. And both involved fabric shopping! Last weekend I mentioned I was in London. The trip was centred around a lovely friend’s 30th birthday. I also got to see some of my family …
Adventures in silk
This weekend featured the unlikely but wonderful trio of Silk, Mexican food, and Trains. It also involved lots of lovely people. Win! Silk isn’t a fabric I ever thought I’d purposefully pick to sew. I have been given silk fabric as a present before and found the experience of trying to sew with it wholly …
She Sells Seashells by the Shepherd’s Bush Market
What a wonderful week! Did you have a good one too? I went to London on Friday in preparation for the blogger meet up. And managed to cram in plenty for a two-day trip. Friday I popped into the Village Haberdashery and cooed over the coloured chambray, the independent sewing patterns on the colourful racks and also …
How was your weekend?
“So what did you do this weekend?” “Oh I went shopping in London with 50 strangers off the Internet and we took over a Lebenese restaurant. What did you do?” I want to say that this weekend’s meetup in London was so tremendous that I’m finding it hard to describe. I tried to summarise proceedings …