I’ve been head down sewing lately. I’m trying to punch out a dress before next weekend.
Best you can’t guess what I’m making it from!
Haha I’m the crazy lady who seems to only sew slippy see-through fabrics lately.
I can’t remember the last time I sewed with cotton yeesh! Next project has to be a cotton one I think or I’ll go mad.
At the minute I’m working with French Crepe in a gorgeous mix of colours — emerald, lilac, violet and black! (much better than saying green, purple and black eh?)

It’s hard work with slippy fabrics. I’ve been sewing some of the trickier curves using the tissue paper method, where you pin tissue paper to the fabric before sewing to help stabilise under the needle. But that gets messy so I’m keeping it to a minimum. The skirt should be whipped up quickly and then an elastic waist to save putting a zipper in.
I’m making my sort of cambie dress out of the pajama pattern I got for my birthday. It’s not going to be a patch on the cambie but it’s going to give me a good idea of it.

So I’ve made a muslin… that’s a lie, I’ve made TWO muslins as the first one was so far off the right size. I really love the colour of my muslin and it would almost be wearable if I hadn’t made the inside of the shoulder pieces white. Oh and the bit where I didn’t sew the shoulder in properly.
Darn it!

And now I’m well underway with my top part. Attaching the shoulder pieces before bed I think. Although it is quite late.
I’ve also been prepping for my first inkodye/Pebeo setacolor experiment.
Let’s just say it might just feature some of this….

Looking great!
[…] Aaaah the dress. I blogged about it here. […]
[…] 4. Slippy shiny slinky fake cambie […]