Why not test your sewing knowledge with a fun free informal quiz about all things sewing. This post will tell you what’s going to happen and how to enter the raffle!
What, Where and When?
On Sunday 7pm UK time I’ll live stream the quiz on Instagram @almondrock_sews so everyone can join in at home. Remember that is 7pm BST as the clocks go forward 1 hour on Sunday morning so if you’re joining us from overseas check your time difference.
This will be a fun chance to play along, have a giggle and see how your sewing knowledge stands up to my questions! It’s not competitive so you’re just playing against yourself and you might learn something new in the process. We’re operating on an honour system here, so please don’t google answers and then tell everyone you won.
Did someone say prizes?
To help support our lovely community of craft businesses I’ve got a few raffle prizes together. I did not ask the companies to donate prizes as that’s the last thing they need right now, so these were self funded. Alas I couldn’t support everyone but if you see someone I’ve missed consider buying a gift card from them. This will give their business an injection of cash now when they need it and you can use the voucher later to get some delayed gratification in the form of sewing supplies!! If you can’t get the embedded form below to work, enter on this link
Enter below!
There are 10 prizes up for grabs and you are entering one pot that I’ll draw 10 names from during the live stream!
Prize 1: £10 Foldline voucher
Prize 2: £10 Pink Coat Club voucher
Prize 3: £10 By Hand London voucher
Prize 4: £10 Sew Me Sunshine voucher
Prize 5: Tilly and The Buttons Romy pattern
Prize 6: Pattern Behaviour: the seamy side of fashion book
Prize 7: £10 Crafty Sew and So voucher
Prize 8: £10 Like Sew Amazing voucher
Prize 9: £10 Beyond Measure voucher
Prize 10: £10 Bobbins and Bolts voucher