So if you follow me on social media you’ll have seen a few of my pics of New York where my partner and I had a fun mini break during March. I thought I’d give a little rundown of the stitchy highlights in case you were interested! So the day my issue went to the …

Sew Indie Month Pattern Bundle!
Today’s post is a two-part deal. The first bit gives me chance to tell you about the awesome Sewing Indie Month pattern bundle that is currently available to buy and the second bit is where I share what I’ve made from the bundle! So first things first! Sewing Indie Month (SIM) is a month-long celebration of indie sewing patterns …

Textile Printing at Leeds Art College
Hello everyone! I thought it was about time for a full round up of my Textile Printing course. This is going to be picture heavy I’m afraid and I’ve not even included all the pictures! Weeks 1 and 2 we worked with disperse printing using heat set dyes on man made fabrics. Using paper soaked …

Never Mind The Pollocks
Hello everyone. I’m back to share some progress from my textile printing evening class! For Week Four we used Procien dyes to hand paint screens and used a substance called manutex to push the colour onto the fabric. Now being a terrible freehand artist this scared me. I started obsessing over what was the simplest geometric …

Sew Brum – See you there?
Birmingham… aka sewing heaven. Now I wouldn’t say I live particularly close to Birmingham. But it really is a great place for a meet up. And that’s what is happening on October 4th. Charlotte of English Girl At Home is our host for a big fun filled day of shopping and chatting. Plus there’s a …

Daisy Chains and Ribbon Ties
Ooh this is so exciting! I’m able to show you the finished dress from the John Lewis sewing bee that I talked about in my last post. So let’s recap, on the day I picked a beautiful fabric called “Daisy Chain” which has yellow, white and blue daisies and white tulips in garlands. And this AKO …