Yaaaaaaaaay I’ve finally finished a new look 6808 top after buying the pattern nearly a year ago. Why so long you might ask? Well it took me this long to fit it properly. I made four attempts. FOUR! Yeesh. I worked out I’m a 8 around the neck, a 10 at the arm holes and …
Happy New Year!
I’ve written this blog post about five times now. I’m both scared and excited to think about what 2013 will bring and my brain is racing at a mile a minute. Unavoidable changes are heading my way and I’m trying to figure out how to roll with them. I’m not going to start waffling on …
Careless cutting – NL 6808 take 2
Oh yes I was smug. I had “conquered” New Look 6808. I was dancing around the living room in my finished top and thought hell yeah I’m gonna make another!! I decided to up the fun factor. Thick blue plaid with 3/4 sleeves so it’d be super warm and snuggly! I whizzed through it. And …

McCall’s 7547 dungarees
Happy heatwave everyone! This glorious arrival of the sun has boosted my spirits like you wouldn’t believe. Work is unbelievably manic, the wedding admin is piling up and I haven’t been sleeping well at all. What’s keeping me going is that bolt of vitamin D, a daily zma tablet and some therapeutic sewing when I …

Bits and Bobbins
Gosh it’s been ages since I last posted. I get this horrible feeling when I don’t post during a week. Let’s remedy that! I’ve been sewing like a maniac lately and have a big queue of things to show you in the next few weeks. I’ll start by sharing a few things today. First up are …
Me-Made-May 13 – week 3: Uh oh this isn’t going as well as I’d hoped
Why oh why are there five weeks in May! At least we’re at the half way point. After a recent comment from Roisin I’ve upped my ridiculous expressions in my posing. It’s all for your entertainment. I found this week hard because a) the weather was absolutely rubbish b) I have fallen out of love …